Saturday, March 23, 2013

Scammer Stefan Mayer, wife of Marie Paula Campion, again exposed

Once again this shady operator Stefan Mayer has been exposed for scamming yet another customer. The full article can be viewed at the SMH site at:

Taken for a ride: Alex Lenane and husband Ray
 ''.....wanted something that was handmade … something that was us.'' With her in-laws planning to stay for a month in their recently acquired North Shore home after the baby was born, the Lenanes needed the work done quickly and efficiently.
They were smooth talked into thinking that Stefan Mayer was the answer to their prayers. How wrong this was they were soon to discover.

At this stage Stefan Mayer was running out of suppliers, whom he had also conned, he had no factory of his own, and he was just desperate to extract as much money as he could from his clients to support his life style.

Stefan Mayer had already transferred the family home at 10 St Andrews Drive, Pymble, into his wife's name for well below the $1,700,000 they had hoped to get when they put it on they market. It was thought by a number of scammed customers and suppliers of his, that Stefan Mayer, his wife Marie Paula Campion and family were about to skip the country and go to Bali, where it was believed Stefan had invested the money he had stolen. When his latest company Scullery and Holz Interiors Pty Ltd was placed into liquidation on the application of a scammed customer, on 16 December 2011 it owed in excess of $800,000 to scammed customers , employees and suppliers. The company's funds had been withdrawn by Stefan Mayer prior to this and the liquidators found a paultry amount under $200 in one account. The company's showroom in Willoughby, was fitted out with items belonging to suppliers, and the company had practically nothing of any realisable value (not very conducive to having the liquidators spend to much time pursuing this crook).

In his usual style Stefan Mayer was quick to give Alex Lenane plans for the kitchen.

That was almost two years ago. In the meantime it appears that Stefan Mayer and his wife Marie Paula Campion are living it up on scammed customers funds.

Stefan Mayer had as usual extracted nearly all of the contracted price for the kitchen. The Lenanes are left with an unfinished job, little hope of getting over this traumatic experience any time soon, and far less chance of ever getting any money back from Stefan Mayer. Where there are doors, the handles are missing; the wooden kitchen cabinets remain unpainted and there are gaps between joints that give a general impression that nothing quite fits in the otherwise light and cheery kitchen overlooking the backyard.

The Department of Fair Trade had already issued a public warning about Stefan Mayer and his companies.

Last month Stefan Mayer, who was not licensed to do the work, was court-ordered to pay $7383 in fines and costs over the botched and unfinished job. He was found guilty of taking an excessive deposit from a customer, failing to provide home warranty insurance and operating without a licence.

Stefan Mayer and his companies have been brought to the attention of government authorities over a period of many years.

During the past two years,  The Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal  heard more than 20 disputes involving Mayer and his businesses. In most of which Stefan Mayer was ordered to repay money, which he has failed to do. In a recent case Stefan Mayer was ordered to repay the $19,000 within one week. Again he failed to obey that order. And believe it or not- the CTTT does nothing to follow up on its orders. It is up to the victim to take the matter to Court. What a travesty of justice!

When will the CTTT and ASIC sit up and take notice of this con man who is still operating under the guise of Bespoke Installations Pty Ltd. It is about time Stefan Mayer was stopped from being a director of any company - he should be put in jail where he belongs.

A Google search on the name Stefan Mayer produces a host of sites where this man's unscrupulous business practices are discussed and exposed. Take a look at this,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.dGY&fp=9b380b8dbab62fe&biw=1251&bih=773