Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Stefan Mayer fraudster in Criminal Court for sentemcing 30 August 2012


                          Will they be smiling so much after tomorrow?






                                                              STEFAN MAYER
                                                             FOR SENTENCING
                                               IN PARRAMATTA CRIMINAL COURT
                                                                   30 August 2012

In February 2012 Stefan Mayer attempted to shut down these sites exposing him. Stefan (the applicant) sought an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) against another of his scam victims (the defendant) to whom he owed over $12,000 for a kitchen installation, which Stefan had abandoned in February 2011. The scammed customer had started exposing Stefan's scams on the Internet in October 2011 and these were beginning to have some affect on his unscrupulous dealings. More of Stefan's scams were disclosed by people adding their comments and exposing Stefan and his phoenix companies on the sites.

At the AVO hearing in July the defendant's solicitor managed to get Stefan and his accomplice wife (Marie Paula Campion) to substantiate what the defendant had heard. Apparently a supplier to whom Stefan owed some $200,000 went to Stefan Mayer's and Marie Paula Campion' home at 10 St Andrews Drive, Pymble, NSW earlier this year. He was accompanied by two strong arm men. He threatened to burn Stefan's hair off in front of Stefan's family if he did not pay up within two weeks. Not the way the majority of us law abiding citizens care to do things, although it appeared to be successful. Stefan must have settled that debt because he had a full head of hair in July. Interestingly, neither Stefan Mayer or his wife Marie Paula Campion reported the incident to the police, and they did not apply for an AVO against that man.  

A group of scammed customers have been trying to get the various government authorities to do something to stop Stefan Mayer from stealing deposits and defrauding the public.

The group has had a number of successes since information about Stefan Mayer's scams and his wife Marie Paula Campion's involvement was placed on the Internet in October 2011. The group's combined efforts are beginning to produce results.

19.   30 August 2012 Stefan Mayer has failed to repay the $18,595 as ordered by the CTTT a week ago.

18.   30 August 2012 Three scammed customers of Stefan Mayer attended the Parramatta Criminal Court this morning. They expected to see Stefan Mayer there supported by his wife Marie Paula Campion who now longer works as GM Marketing at The Australian Institute of Company Directors. Stefan Mayer's sentencing was scheduled for infringement notices issued by the Depart of Fair Trade. Stefan was there at the time. 

17    Early September 2012 another Court Writ will be applied for if Stefan has not paid the $18,595.00 awarded on the 23 August by the CTTT.
16    30 August 2012 this is the day by which Stefan should have repaid the $18,595.00 as per the CTTT order of the 23rd August. The customer to whom Stefan should have paid the money, accompanied by another two or three scammed customers will be attending the Court sentencing hearing.
15    30 August 2012 Stefan due in Parramatta Criminal Court over charges laid by the DOFT for sentencing. Stefan will hear the outcome of the infringement notices served upon him by the Dept of Fair Trade. At an earlier hearing in July he pleaded guilty to some of those charges.
14     23 August 2012 another CTTT order for Stefan to repay $18,595.00 to a customer. This time he was given only seven days to pay up. The CTTT are waking up to this fraudster. Last year they gave him six months to pay $6,500.00;  then three weeks to pay $8,000.00; now one week to pay $18,595.00. Perhaps when the next scammed customer wins their claim the CTTT may demand Stefan to pay up on the spot. If he cannot perhaps the CTTT should be given the power to have him detained until it is paid in full.
13    17 August 2012 Marie Paula Campion, GM Marketing at the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Stefan's wife  spends her last day at work ( so we are told from a reliable source - she was fired). Marie Paula Campion no longer works as GM Marketing at the Australian Institute of Company Directors. This was confirmed by telephone on 30 August 2012.  We wonder how the Mayer family is going to cope now that the $250,000.00 plus bonuses  salary is no longer there. Will this person now ever be able to get a similar type of job?
12    17 August 2012 Stefan Mayer's Scullery and Holz web site taken down by the web host on the request of scammed customers - this has been a most significant achievement.
11    23-26 July 2012 Stefan in Parramatta Local Court answering charges laid by the DOFT
10    2 March 2012 Stefan Mayer in Parramatta Court on to respond to the charges of installing kitchens & bathrooms without a license and failing to provide Home Warranty Insurance. The DOFT issue him with a few more infringement notices.
9    1 March 2012 another scammed customer gets a CTTT order for Stefan Mayer to repay her $8,000.00 within two weeks which he failed to do. A Court Writ for the seizure of property owned by Stefan Mayer has now been granted to satisfy that order.
8    February 2012 the Sheriff went to Stefan's home to seize property. The Sheriff was acting under a Court Writ for another customer who had obtained a CTTT order for Stefan to repay $6,500.00, in six equal monthly installments. The Sheriff was side tracked by Stefan's wife.  Marie Campion somehow managed to talk the Sheriff out of taking anything from the home. Later in February the Sheriff caught up with Stefan in a public place and confiscated his Rolex watch and the gold chain he had around his neck. The
7    9 February 2012 the A Current Affair programme also exposed Stefan Mayer's crooked dealings that evening
6    9 February 2012 the Sydney Morning Herald exposed him in an article describing his scams.
5    8th February 2012 A similar letterbox distribution was also made in Wamberal where Stefan Mayer's father, Tom Mayer lives at 684 The Entrance Road Wamberal, NSW (02) 4385 2508. It advised the residents there that they also have a crook living in their area. Tom Mayer connived with his son Stefan to hoodwink many customers. He worked for Stefan Mayer in his showroom at Willoughby and having taken deposits from customers, cunningly procrastinated, told outright lies and made promises to deliver cabinetry by
4    8th February 2012 A letterbox distribution of information about Stefan Mayer was made that evening in Pymble to advise his neighbourhood that they have a crook in their community and suggesting they watch the A Current Affair programme the following evening.
3    8th February 2012 the Department of Fair Trade issued ten infringement notices on Stefan Mayer and his companies.
2    27 January 2012 the Dept of Fair Trade (DOFT) issued a Public Warning against dealing with Stefan Mayer or any of his companies.
1    16 December 2011 Scullery & Holt Interiors Pty Ltd placed into liquidation on application by Vince McLenaghan as Stefan had failed to pay him the $50,000.00 awarded by the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal (CTTT) earlier in 2011.

It is time the ASIC banned him for life from being a company director, and he should be banned from creating new companies.

Our combined aim is to have this dishonest, unscrupulous man put in jail and if possible to prove that our money went into the family home, or was siphoned offshore somewhere, UK, Ireland, Indonesia. If we can do this then we will be able to claw back some of their ill gotten gains.

We notice that their home at 10 St Andrews Drive, Pymble NSW is still on the market. Back in February it was with L.J. Hooker with an asking price over $1,700,000.00; later it was with another agent and failed to sell; now with a third agent Chadwick with an asking price of $1,500,000.00. One wonders whether this is because Marie Paula Campion's name as the vendor is seen (Stefan transferred ownership into her name for $1.00 some five years ago). Perhaps these potential buyers have come across Campion's name on the Internet connecting her to her husband's scams, and are afraid to buy the home. They could be thinking that all those people scammed by Stefan Mayer for the hundreds of thousands of dollars may one day lay claim to the asset.

Our sites on the Internet have had many thousands of hits. We need scammed customers to continue placing comments mentioning Stefan Mayer's name, Marie Paula Campion's name, the many business names especially the current Bespoke Installations Pty Ltd, and the family home address 10 St Andrews Drive, Pymble, NSW. The more often these appear the greater the chance of our comments placing us on page one when a search is made.

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